About US

3d Project Design and Application Solutions Ltd Company is found by Ali CINDIK in 2021, the company develops projects at interior architecture and corporate design fields, makes constructions, construction controlling and project management.

3d Project Design Companys evaluates design as creating user centric, sustainable and unique spaces. The reason why we exist is improving life standards people live in, adapting it into future and creating inspiring spaces.

3d Project Design company focuses on commercial interior design and provides interior design and build services for local and international clients from surrounding geographical regions in the following business sectors.

  • Office                                                                               Interior Design
  • Commercial                                                                  Workplace Strategies
  • Store / Showroom                                                     Graphic Design
  • Restaurant & Cafe                                                      Landscape Design
  • Healthcare                                                                     Project Application
  •  Hospitality                                                                    Application Control
  • Cultural                                                                           Project Management
  • Education                                                                       Furniture Design-Counseling   
  • Industrial                                                                        Counseling
  • Leisure and Sport
  • Goverment